Commissioners declare ‘Joel Loer Day’ in Washington County
Feb 25, 2020

Joel Loer had quite a week in early February!
When Mary Divine, a reporter from the St. Paul Pioneer Press, discovered that his co-workers at the Washington County Government Center in Stillwater were hosting a reception to celebrate Joel’s 30th anniversary there, she paid him a visit at work.
Joel’s story about the work he does for the county’s Community Services Department and the appreciation his co-workers have for him made the front page of the Sunday Pioneer Press on Febuary 2. Joel collates and assembles county departments’ information packets for use by residents.
His story was also picked up by the Associated Press and posted on the online U.S. News & World Report.
More than 100 people — co-workers, friends and family, retired county workers, and others — came out to celebrate Joel on February 4. That made the newscast on KMSP-Fox 9 that evening!
His co-workers lined up to say great things about him; Joel’s mom Joan Loer expressed her pride in him, and the Washington County Board of Commissioners officially proclaimed February 4 as “Joel Loer Day.” “The WHOLE day,” Joel pointed out to the crowd with a big grin. Commissioner Gary Kriesel read the proclamation (with a whole long list of ‘Whereas’es!).
People spoke of his dedication, attention to detail, and reliability. In addition to the great work Joel does for the county, his co-workers enjoy his tremendous sense of humor and appreciate the way he brightens their day with his positive attitude and enthusiasm.