Champion of the Month Stacy Gross inspires creative expression in her clients

Dec 1, 2022

Stacy Gross smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a gray sweater over a navy blue top.

Stacy Gross has served Rise as an art therapist for over 7 years. She is responsible for developing Rise’s Art Speaks program which not only allows people we support a creative outlet, but also an opportunity to focus on the process of creating art and its therapeutic benefits.  

Stacy was nominated for Champion of the Month by a Rise coworker who is inspired by her relationships with people we serve. Her coworker says, “Stacy is amazing with our clients. She really inspires them to express themselves through art.”  

Stacy is known for treating everyone around her with respect and compassion. Stacy loves the creative element of her work at Rise, especially finding new methods and tools to expand the inclusivity of her classes. 

Outside Rise, Stacy also works at Target Field as a Guest Services Team Leader. She enjoys gardening, crafting, shopping, going to concerts, and spending time with her niece and nephew, Chloe and JJ.