Vocational Evaluation – Metro Area
People We Serve
This program is intended for anyone with a diagnosed disability who is unsure of their specific job goals or career direction. We assess a person’s interests and strengths and assist them in creating a plan consistent with that assessment and their own goals. This program also serves as a way to determine what specific supports or accommodations are needed for employment success.
Evaluations are conducted in a community business in line with the person’s interests. Rise’s evaluator is able to assess a person’s general work skills and behaviors as well as the specific job skills and physical demands required for a particular type of work. This also helps an individual determine if work in this field is a good fit. People are paid minimum wage while undergoing the work assessment.
Type of Employment Opportunities
- Retail
- Clerical / reception
- Production
- Data entry
- Food service
- Activities (child care, senior care)
Referral Contact
Want to learn more about this program or work with a Rise staff member to see if this program is a good fit?
Courtney Hueller
(612) 987-2393
Vocational evaluations take place at partner businesses throughout the region.
Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Schedule and location of services determined by individual need.
Primary Funding Sources
- Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Rehabilitative Services
Transportation Options
Other Considerations
How to Apply
Step 1
Identify the correct
program for you
Step 2
Reach out to a
program manager
to learn more
Step 3
Fill out your paperwork and get started