
Background Triangles

Rise Senior Leadership Team

Tim Dickie smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a button-up and suit jacket.
Tim Dickie

President & CEO

Tom Haglund smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a brown button-up and suit jacket.
Tom Haglund

Chief Financial Officer

Jodi Blume_Web
Jodi Blume

Vice President of Programs

Noel McCormick

Vice President of Advancement

Denise Thul, a white woman with blonde hair, wears a gray top and smiles for the camera.
Denise Thul

Vice President of Human Resources

Rise Board of Directors

Rise's board of directors chair, Kristin Hangebrauck, smiles in front of a gray background.
Kristin Hangebrauck

Chair, St. Louis Park

Cliff Rhoten softly smiles in front of a gray background wearing a blue and yellow tie underneath a black suit jacket.
Cliff Rhoten

Vice Chair, White Bear Lake

Rise's treasurer on the Board of Directors, smiles in front of a gray background.
Andrea Murphy

Treasurer, Champlin

Rise's board of director's secretary, Rachael Smith, smiles in front of a gray background.
Rachael Smith

Secretary, Champlin

Anne Holoch, Rise board member, smiles in front of a gray background.
Anne Holoch


Lauri Hopkins, Rise board member, smiles in front of a gray background.
Lauri Hopkins

Lino Lakes

A man with dark hair and glasses smiles in front of a black background wearing a blue and white button up.
Krishnakumar Subramonia Iyer

St. Paul

Kathy Klang, a Rise board member, smiles in front of a white background.
Kathy Klang


Susan Langfeldt, a white woman with short blond hair, smiles for the camera in front of a gray background. She wears a purple shirt, plum colored cardigan, and glasses.
Susan Langfeldt

Deer Park, Wis.

Jim Miley, Rise board member, smiles in front of a gray background wearing a navy-blue suit.
Jim Miley

St. Paul

Shelia Minske
Sheila Minske

St. Louis Park

A man wearing a blue plaid button up and glasses smiles in front of a wooded tree background.
Dan Newman


Scott Price, Rise board member, smiles in front of a gray background wearing a blue shirt.
Scott Price


Peter Rocca smiles for the camera
Peter Rocca


Kelly Steffens
Kelly Steffens

Prior Lake

Rise Strategic Leadership Team

Judy Anderson smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a black sweater and floral top.
Judy Andersen

Director of Community Programs

Jessi Duvall smiles with her hair draped over one shoulder in front of a gray background wearing a black sweater over a floral shirt.
Jessi DuVall

Director of CBTE & Sensory Programs

Mike Harper smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a gray sweater.
Mike Harper

Senior Director of Central Minnesota Programs

Keith Hovland smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a blue shirt.
Keith Hovland

Senior Director of CBTE
& Supported Employment Teams

Dan Meyers smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a tie, blue button up, and a Rise branded zip up sweatshirt.
Dan Meyers

Director of
Vocational Evaluation & Transition Programs

Michele Morris smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a black jacket.
Michele Morris

Director of Physical Asset Management

Robert Reedy smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a colorful plaid button up and a Rise branded gray vest.
Robert Reedy

Senior Director of Vocational Services

Becky Rother smiles in front of a gray background wearing large glasses, a dark gray sweater, and silver necklace.
Becky Rother

Director of
Quality Assurance

Jamie Smith smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a light blue button-up shirt.
Jamie Smith

Director of Information Technology

John Watters smiles in front of a gray portrait background wearing a red and brown plaid shirt.
John Watters

Director of Washington County & Wisconsin Programs