Nathan Rouse, Employment Consultant, April 2020
Dec 3, 2020
Employment Consultant Nathan Rouse works with people who have multiple barriers to employment and who have little success in the past, getting them excited to restart their job search. Nathan brings his energy and spirit to all aspects of his position and treats everyone with the kindness and respect they deserve.
His co-workers note his excellent communication skills, resilience, flexibility, and integrity as well as his unwaivering willingness to accommodate new people on his caseload with so many team members on furlough.
“Nathan consistently is looking for ways to improve his scope of practice and always is suggesting new insights on how to improve the quality of care we provide to the population we at Rise serve. Nathan truly embodies every aspect of Rise’s mission statement.”
Further, Nathan has a great sense of humor, is a great team player, and participates in all team events and office celebrations, creating lasting relationships with Rise team members companywide.
Prior to coming to work at Rise as an employment consultant at Rise N.E. Minneapolis, he worked as a corporate recruiter as well as a grant writing assistant.
“It is a rewarding experience to assist people find community employment, said Nathan. “It’s great to go to work every day knowing that you’re working towards making the world a better place.
With a background in theater, his pre-Covid-19 leisure time was spent performing and writing.